High drama unfolded outside Parliament as the BJP and Congress traded accusations of ‘jostling,’ while the Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman rejected the Opposition's notice demanding the removal of Vice President Dhankhar
High Drama Outside Parliament: BJP and Congress Clash Amid Opposition's Push Against Vice President Dhankhar
A heated exchange between the BJP and Congress unfolded outside Parliament today, escalating into accusations of “jostling” and verbal sparring. The dramatic scenes followed a high-stakes session in the Rajya Sabha, where the Deputy Chairman rejected the Opposition’s notice demanding the removal of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar.
The Opposition, led by the Congress, had submitted the notice citing concerns over what they called the Vice President’s “partisan conduct” in recent parliamentary proceedings. However, the Deputy Chairman dismissed the notice as “untenable,” further fueling tensions between the ruling BJP and the Opposition bloc.
Outside the Parliament complex, the war of words turned physical as members of both parties accused each other of “unparliamentary behavior.” Congress spokesperson accused BJP MPs of attempting to “silence dissent,” while BJP leaders countered by calling the allegations a “desperate attempt to divert attention from governance issues.”
The uproar marks a significant escalation in the ongoing battle between the Opposition and the government, as contentious bills, including the Women’s Reservation Bill and a bill on Uniform Civil Code, are set to be debated this session.
Political analysts see this as a precursor to heightened tensions in the winter session, with both sides gearing up for the 2024 general elections. Meanwhile, calls for maintaining decorum in Parliament have grown louder, as citizens and civil society groups express concern over the repeated disruptions and confrontations.